
Every human being has an energybody, as well as a physical one. In this body there are 7 chakras, or power-centers, relating to different areas of our lives. The first is tribal in nature, dealing with group interaction, like family and organizations of interest. The second is creative in nature and is the center of personal relationships, hobbies, money and sex. The third is self enhancing in nature and deals with our inner value system, our self-respect and integrity, or lack thereof. The fourth chakra, our heart, is the home of love in all its beautiful, different forms and the center of our inner energy system. The chakras above the heart take on a more impersonal character.These chakras function individually, but they are also interdependent on each other, creating one whole system. I see them much as the wheels of a tracked vehicle, with a rubber tread going around them, only energetically. If one wheel doesn’t function properly, it will affect the rest of the system. For a while, the other wheels will be able to compensate for the malfunction. But if there are no steps taken to heal the damage and bring back harmony, there will not be enough power for the machine, i.e. the human body to function at its full potential. The chakras themselves are like computer discs, containing all our life-experiences, good and bad. They start at the base of the spine and continue to the crown of the head, in the vicinity of the big glands of our physical body. Traumatic experiences and unresolved issues in our lives can leave a scar on the corresponding chakra. If the energetic malfunctioning goes on long enough, it could manifest into a disease. When I do a healing, I say a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to enter and fill my client with love and light. My angel, Sebastiano then creates a bridge to the Holy Spirit and I start to channel healing energy. I lay my hands on each chakra, balancing and revitalizing them and receiving intuitive information, as I go along. This can also be done at a distance, by visualizing and connecting with the virtual body. My client usually goes to sleep, since the energy flow is of a higher vibration than the one we normally carry in our energy fields. After about half an hour, I will wake him or her and we discuss our impressions. When doing a remote healing, we will talk the following day. It is important to me to hear my client’s impressions as well, because I feel that spiritual empowerment is available to everyone. Part of my calling is to help others learn how to do for themselves, what I do for them now.

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